來源:好上學(xué) ??時間:2024-03-03
On Friday, October 23rd at 15:00, AIC held its first whole school Fire Evacuation Drill. Our goal was to all be assembled and accounted for in the Basketball courts in less than 7 minutes; we accomplished our goal in 6 minutes.
Fire Wardens on each floor speedily cleared the classrooms, offices and bathrooms, and gave the All Clear on our two-way radio system.
Each Head of House was responsible for their four mentor-teachers who checked their students’ attendance; no student was unaccounted for.
When everyone held up their green cards to demonstrate everyone was present, the Coordinator of Student Affairs stopped the timer and announced the end of the Drill. A Feedback survey was sent out to all staff members for what went well and ways to improve our next drill. Great job, everyone!