家校溝通 無時無刻 BMH深圳柏朗思觀瀾湖學(xué)校 PTA Communication
來源:好上學(xué) ??時間:2024-03-12
On Thursday 7 May, Heads of School, Dr Wall and Ms Packman, met online with our BMH PTA Lead Committee to share updates and information, including in response to questions raised by members of our wider BMH parent community.
Following our meetings on Saturday 25 April, in which Dr Wall and Ms Packman shared the BMH Reopening Plans for Prep Seniors and Prep Juniors respectively, the PTA Committee diligently collated follow up ideas and queries from parents as they reflected on the plans and procedures surrounding our return to onsite learning.
A letter will be shared with the whole parent community within this week to clarify answers to questions and demonstrate how we have responded to input from our BMH families. The PTA meeting today allowed us to talk through contents of the letter and other school updates to build clarity and continue to uphold our strong Parent-School communication.
Thank you to our whole BMH community and our PTA for their positivity as we look forward to our reopening in the coming days - on May 11 for P4-6 and the following week on May 18 for P1-3.