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來源:好上學(xué) ??時(shí)間:2024-03-14




In this series we will consider how Covid-19 may have changed, and may continue to change, internationalised education in content, priorities, structure and demographic.

Compassion: The ups and downs. The outstanding humanitarianism that has been demonstrated by so many within and across countries versus isolated incidents of ignorance and fear. What is our role as educators in terms of teaching our students, and internationalised schools in terms of a global and unified approach to address this?





Covid-19, Compassion and Education

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair…..”

These words from Charles Dickens likely ring true to many of us at this time, as during the Coronavirus outbreak, we have witnessed some of the best and worst of humanity. We have felt proud to be part of our community and of a global society that offers each other messages and acts of love and support in times of hardship, and at the same time ashamed of some of the cultural ignorance we have heard of in the news. We have had our spirits roused by song, jokes, words of kindness and wisdom shared through social media, and had our hopes dashed by reports of greed and profiteering.

Charles Dickens refers to the polarised perspectives and dual realities that may exist within and across societies, and his words are interpreted by some as reference to ideas related to renewal, rebirth and resurrection. For sure, Covid-19 has given us all new perspectives on life and our place in it and an opportunity to create new and better realities that seek to bring out more of the best and less of the worst that we can find in each other.




So what does this mean for education?

Our role as educators is to help support our students in the present and prepare them for the future, helping them be the best they can be and build the skills and mindsets they need to be successful. At BMH, part of our mission is to build compassionate global citizens and it is that word - Compassion - that we need to reflect upon in the face of what Covid-19, and the related behaviours, is teaching us.

Compassion is about caring for others who are suffering or struggling. It requires that we can name, describe and understand feelings. It requires that we have the ability to put ourselves in the shoes of others. It requires that we can understand cause and effect, and different possible effects for different people at different times. It requires that we learn to go beyond ourselves and take time to reflect. And after all of that, it requires that we can help to find solutions and identify ways to help based on all of this related information.





With all this said, there are some things we will be actively enhancing in our educational programme at BMH:

“It requires that we can name,

describe and understand feelings”






Emotional Intelligence

Howard Gardener is famous for his 1983 work on Multiple Intelligences in which he outlines different modalities of intelligence rather than a singular ability such as IQ. He believes interpersonal (between self and others) and intrapersonal (self-awareness) intelligence are amongst the 8 key intelligences humans display and need. Curricula that recognise the centrality of emotional intelligence and teach emotions - naming, describing, managing, making use of and moving beyond them - will help our children become compassionate children and adults.

“It requires that we have the ability to put ourselves in the shoes of others”






Varied Perspectives

There are many ways to teach perspectives. Literature is a wonderful way and programmes such as Talk for Writing allow students to play with stories, analyse the traits and view points of different characters, use drama to take on those roles and even rewrite stories from different perspectives to innovate upon texts. Debates and MUN activities help children to learn about different opinions and value perspectives. Family plays an important role here too - sibling disagreements and the related parent mediation, family conferences and simple meal times together to talk, ask and pay attention to the details of each others’ days are all ways to learn to think about other people’s realities. As a school with international mindedness as a key value, teaching and learning about people from around the world, their similarities and differences and ensuring that different cultures and beliefs are reflected in our curriculum, the stories we read and the role models to whom we aspire is also critical.

“It requires that we can understand cause and effect, and different possible effects for different people at different times”


Talk for Writing





Humanities in Education

It is too easy for educational establishments to become fixated on core skills and subjects - Language, Maths and Science often dominate priorities for schools and parents. However, including Humanities education, including Geography, History, Social Sciences, Morality Education and Global Perspectives, is fundamental if we are to help our children understand how people organise themselves and what the roles of societies and individuals entail, and to understand where we are in the context of global and historical perspectives. It is only with strong Humanities education, integrated alongside other subjects and through powerful programmes of inquiry, that our children will learn to understand cause and effect from a human perspective.

“It requires that we learn to go beyond ourselves and take time to reflect”





Inquiring Minds: Teaching through inquiry allows students to try out alternatives, postulate their own ideas and bash ideas around until they feel satisfied with their own understanding and their truths. Simply filling people up with knowledge and telling them what to think is not what powerful education is about - we strive for creativity and this means we need to try, to fail, to collaborate and, always to evaluate.

“It requires that we can help to find solutions and identify ways to help”





Empathy versus Sympathy: to sympathise with others is to recognise their feelings and situation and reflect those feelings, where empathy is to genuinely take on the feelings and challenges of others in a deeply engaged way. While empathy has a place, and we certainly feel empathy for our most beloved and family members, it is important to be able to differentiate the two. Over empathising can be draining and leave you with no emotional reserves to actually pick yourself up and move forward, or offer useful support. Explicit teaching about the differences is important.

There are many elements above that schools including BMH already highly prize, but if we are to truly build compassionate global citizens, a stronger focus on the above would be best.


Let us be inspired by the words of Charles Dickens as we think about how to move forward, learning from the best and worst we have seen from humanity over the past weeks and months and equip our children with the compassion they need for a bright global future.




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